ONGOING PROJECT (Sept. 2023 - 2024)

GOLEMS is a multimedia narrative across Augmented and Virtual Reality, starting with the Smartphone App GOLEMS (now available on iOS and Android!).

Within GOLEMS you collect these digital protectors of Truth, who will shield you from contemporary ills.

From September 2023 we will expand the app with more features until the release of GOLEMS as a Virtual Reality experience in 2024.


In collaboration with the Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek and Ronja Erhardt we have created DRESSED APP.

In DRESSED APP you can browse through the various clothes of a bygone time and through the power of Augmented Reality slap these on your body!

For the history geeks among you there’s also more in-depth information provided by the Landesbibliothek. 


Various XR-projects in collaboration with the German Red Cross Academy in Schleswig-Holstein, their teaching personnel and students to create interactive and immersive Serious Games.


For the 70th anniversary of the Edinburgh Festival we were approached by the BBC to create a Virtual Reality experience capturing the insanity of the Festival.

If you still happen to have a GearVR or an Oculus GO, you can download the app for free or have a look at the walkthrough on the left.

From 2014 to 2019 we had an art practice under the name Dennis & Debbie club. We made various digital pieces, some of which you can watch below.

We have been part of various research projects over the years, investigating the role of immersive technologies in contemporary life and culture.

With the Computer Science Department of Glasgow University, we are part of a Horizon2020 project. We have exhibited with the Edinburgh Science Festival, and have been part of a collaboration with Swansea University.